Saturday, July 5, 2014

Train and Ferry rides

We have been watching "Daddy's green and white train" for a couple weeks now. The station is right across the street, but I haven't mustered up the courage to take the boys until today. Dan had to go in a round, so we met him later in the morning downtown. The boys were in heaven! Here they are at the station. Jack was very concerned about the yellow line. He wanted to police the people who were stepping on it since it is Sooooo dangerous. Calvin just decided that we should all stand in the middle of the sidewalk, far from the yellow line to be super safe. Sounds about right.
To get to this point we had to go up and down many stairs. I took Luke out of the stroller to carry both, and before I knew it, Luke was tumbling down the concrete stairs! Thankfully he was more shaken up than hurt, but man, that was scary.

The ride was worth every dollar for these guys. Luke was a little more tentative...not sure he likes the motion from his sweet whimpers.

Calvin listened to every word from the loud speaker, informing Jack all about it. "Jack, after Mimico is Long Branch." "Next is Exhibition." Jack just liked determining if the train was going faster or slowing down.

We then took an impromptu ferry ride from downtown to an island in the Lake. 

The view from the ferry was amazing. 
Here was the view from the island! I couldn't believe how many people came for the day....ferry after packed ferry....thousands of people! 

Later tonight we had a picnic near the lake and went on a walk/bike ride. We passed this little park along the way.


  1. I love that you are drinking in Toronto! Precious to see the boys so excited.

  2. I'm proud of you, Kelly! Taking all 3 boys on an adventurous train ride downtown was a big step! I felt so bad for you and Luke on those stairs! Thankfully, no more bruises. The boys sure looked excited to ride the train and then to ride the ferry! What fun! Love ya! Nana
