Thursday, October 4, 2012

What was your day?

That is what Calvin asks Dan, so we've adopted it lately.  I feel like my answers have seemed pretty boring these last couple of weeks.....good.....we......well, we didn't do anything to exciting, but it was good. 

I need to just start pulling out my phone and showing Dan the pictures of the day to add a little color to the explanation. 

At 7:15 I went into Cal and Jack's room to find Jack reading on his bed announcing with a smile "I got out of be-ed."  And Calvin sitting on the floor with like this...fully dressed, and then some. Yes, they are clean, and aren't you proud?

Then we ate breakfast, which as usual, took FOREVER....usually an hour, so not too much to report there. Other than that Jack ate his weight in granola with honey yogurt, banana, and eggs.

Calvin then decided to catch a "whale" with his hoe while Jack watched the show, pretending to shoot things with his fishing pole. 

When Luke woke up, the boys and I headed upstairs to get him, and I decided to put the mobile on Luke's crib...yeah, I know 4 months old is a bit late, but he likes it. And so do Calvin and Jack, maybe more than Luke. 

We came downstairs and the boys wasn't much to tell about, but it was sweet. Jack sat by the bookshelf and took all the books out, looking at each page and talking to himself.

Luke is getting so interactive! He is not as content with just his little mobile (as you could hear in the video), but as soon as you go near him, he can't contain his excitement!  He is just so sweet!

Then we went outside for a little while before lunch. I sat on the bench with Luke while the boys played "moving truck."  The mail truck came, and the boys actually got a wave out of the new mail lady. She brought a package from Aunt Ann with this cute hat. It was not hot, contrary to Luke's outfit, but I had to get a picture really quickly.

At nap time, I had some time alone with Luke while Calvin sang and talked to himself in our room and Jack slept in his.   

I also got to tutor for a few hours, have Hockey over for lunch, call about Jack's appointment with the speech therapist and make beer chili. I'm so glad you are home! Are you hungry?


  1. :-) !!!

    What a treasure these days are, when we take the time to realize it!

    And HOW does Luke keep getting even cuter?

  2. All I can say is that my day wasn't as sweet as yours was... and for the underwear on the head... the apple doesn't fall very far from the tree!
