Tuesday, November 20, 2012

"Pime-Out" Stroller

I used to refer to Jack as a little "wild card." In the most endearing way possible, of course. But lately, I think he has moved past that. I take him into the library on his own two feet instead of in the stroller, and he stays with me and does great. When I give him a direction, I no longer dread the imminent disobedience and discipline. 

I am not sure what exactly to attribute this to....he's getting older, his speech is improving, and/or we've changed our disciplinary approach with him. He used to receive multiple spankings a day (so sad now to think about it!), but it clearly was not speaking his language. He has not had a spanking in about 2 months, and instead he has embraced "my stroller," as Jack now calls it. 

Whenever he disobeys, I strap him into the umbrella stroller in the bathroom or laundry room (depending on the floor we are on). He stays there 5 minutes with the door shut, and then comes out good as new. I think we finally stumbled upon something that matters to him. He can't be an audience to the rest of us (like the old time-out spot), and we don't have to spank the sweet little guy. 
He is getting the sleep he needs, thanks to the stroller, too. When he gets out of bed, I put him in the laundry room. Within minutes, he's asleep...

I transfer him to his bed, and he has a great nap. This whole process has become less necessary lately, but I am so thankful to have found something to gives him what he needs.


  1. Awww. That hurts my heart! You and Dan are doing a great job with those little men. They are so dang precious!

  2. So glad for your blog! All of us far away friends would miss so many important things without it :-)

  3. I love to see their little bottoms in the air when they are sleeping! That is interesting you found the stroller works. I have been smacking Jonah's hand and flicking his mouth because he has been rough with other kids. I don't know how to get to him that he can't push and hit. It is very frustrating because the smacking and flicking is not working. Any advice??

    1. Hey Amy! The butts up in the air are the best! It sounds like you are doing a great job with Jonah....all we can do is pray that God leads us to an effective strategy and then be consistent with it. Jonah has a good mommy!
