Saturday, August 18, 2012

Mr. Persistent

Luke proved yesterday that he's a Rocke. The boys have each now shown a stubbornness bordering on ridiculous. Lucky for them, their mama and daddy have it in spades as well.

Luke decided to start rejecting the bottle last week...after taking it without much problem for 2 months. This is just not an option because of my tutoring (and sanity) over the next year. So, yesterday I drew the line. Boy did I meet my match!

This little guy sputtered, gagged, and made sour faces every time I held the bottle up to his mouth. Since the last time I nursed him was 5 am, I thought, surely he is hungry for his morning feeding. That came and went without a gulp of milk, and back to sleep he went for a short nap. Then I thought he must be starving enough to take his second choice in feeding mode (still breast milk). Nope. That and 2 other feeding came and went.

The whole time, Luke was relatively happy and had me doubting everything. I tried different nipple sizes on the bottle. I tried to make the milk a little warmer/cooler. I tried holding his body in different positions. I sang to him. I faced him away from me/held him really close. You name it. I prayed like crazy for wisdom and for him to relent. I was certain there was something wrong and that I was torturing my little guy....

UNITL 4:15 pm when Luke opened his little eyes from another too short nap (I'm sure from hunger!) and opened his sweet little mouth. And he started gulping with the sweet little sound of an experienced bottle drinker...with no hint of gagging, sputtering, or sour faces. It was the sweetest sound to my ears!

And it told me that I have met my match with Luke! 11+ hours without food just because he didn't prefer that way to take it!! I really don't think I would have done that.

Then he finally rested. And so did I.

If Jack's occasional willingness to dig in and undertake numerous spankings/ time outs/crib time for the sake of not giving a taken toy back is any indication, I am pretty sure the battle is not yet won.

And I think Luke is showing that he can keep up with Calvin's dramatic ways. :)

I am so thankful that God is the one giving me wisdom for these goobers. And I am even more thankful that He is the one responsible for molding their little hearts. He is the only one who can create and redeem strong willfulness for good!

Today's bottle is warming up! Luke hasn't eaten since 4:30 am. Here we go....

1 comment:

  1. Precious. Yup, He will redeem those strong wills for His honor.
