Monday, November 15, 2010

Cookie Monster

Dan and I didn't know what we were getting into when he put this sweatshirt over Calvin's PJ's on Saturday night. With the hood up the whole time, Cal sported Cookie Monster for the next 37 hours....through 2 nights of sleep, church, meals, and play. In the name of cleanliness, I tried to take it off once, but I quickly decided it was not worth the battle when he insisted "off!" which really meant "on!" and then held his breath.

This giant excavator doesn't know how lucky he is to be chosen over Cookie! When I pulled out this shirt this morning, Cal said "off!" to Cookie and actually meant it. Now to the washing machine!


  1. This post didn't make me hungry for cookies.... until I read Ellis and Amanda's comment! Can't wait to see cookie monster and fatso!
