Friday, August 1, 2014

Back to Indiana

The boys and I travelled to Indiana last weekend for a visit while Dan was in New York for a work conference. It was so good to be back, though the visit made me miss the states more than I have since we moved. Ahhh, the space to play without having to carry a stroller and everything we might need to the park. We just played in the driveway with little riding toys! Poor Luke hasn't had riding toys since we moved because it is pretty complicated to try to get them all the way to the park...

Grandma and Papaw's house is maybe the boys' favorite place in the world. I does feel like a retreat. They guys love sleeping in the "crow's nest" and being with Grandma and Papaw.

Nana and Aunt Kim, Uncle Jason, Addie, and Teddy came to visit us, and we went to a Fort Wayne Tin Caps baseball game. It was great!

The kids all congregated at the fence, though it was hard to appreciate much of the game.
Addie and Calvin love being together. It has always been the case, but as they grow, it seems their friendship grows, too. I love watching these guys play!

The ball park has a splash pad….I mean, shouldn't every ballpark have one?! Brilliant! 

Teddy just tried to eat the water. 
Such a sweet, happy guy!
Luke and Teddy played together a little bit. Aunt Kim had them just rolling with laughter tickling them at the same time!

Luke and Teddy are not quite 4 months apart in age (Luke older). It will be fun to watch them grow up together….Luke has some catching up to do….


  1. I do believe Luke has a promising career in plumbing in his future!

  2. really really sweet. so glad you guys are a little closer for this year.

  3. What a fun day to remember! So glad you're much closer so we can visit with you more often!

