Saturday, December 8, 2012

Pook me up!

We had a 6 month doctor's appointment for Luke on Thursday, and it was pretty discouraging.  I did not realize how much stock I was putting in Luke developing normally until we left and I felt dejected.  He is weighing in at 14 lbs, which puts him under the growth chart curve.  He has rigid muscle tone, which means that he will not easily relax his limbs. Therefore, his mobility is impeded...not rolling over or sitting up. All the big milestones! 

All that to say, I am actually pretty encouraged after the last couple days....
We've been pushing calorically dense solids, and thankfully, he is starting to open his mouth! 

And he rolled onto his tummy to sleep at nap today!   

Jack's articulation improving every day, but he still says some really cute things. When he wants to be pushed into the table he says in his little sing-song, "Pook me up!" (scoot me up). Cal has now adopted it.  He asks us at every meal, "Hold my feet!" He means "foot." And he just always wants to be touching. I love having this little foot on my leg.
And this is just melts my heart...I peeked in this morning to see Calvin reading a Franklin book to Luke. Luke eats up all the attention he can from his brothers.  I wish I could have heard Cal's rendition of the story!


  1. awwe Luke...just like his brothers: developing extraordinarily! Anyone who has spent any time with these little guys knows how truly special they are.

  2. Not to worry about normal deveopment with these boys. Jack's rosey little cheeks, Luke's already rolling over, sitting up by himself and interacting with his brothers, and Cal and Jack reading to Luke tell the story. You have three wonderful, healthy little injuns. Love, Mom
