Friday, January 21, 2011

A Big Headache

Calvin fell off of a chair and onto our laminate-over-concrete dining room floor last night. I've never seen a knot develop so quickly as it did last night on Calvin's forehead. I picked him up less than 5 seconds after he fell, and his head already looked like this.
Thankfully Dan was already on his way home from work and called just as Calvin was screaming and squirming away from my bag of frozen mixed veggies. Apparently it is not essential to keep ice on it...thankfully, and Calvin was much happier when I stopped trying to ice it.

A couple hours later it already looked a lot better....just spread out, maybe. Today the bump is pretty much gone, but Calvin still has the bruise.

We woke Cal up a couple times last night to make sure he didn't have a concussion. He seems to be doing fine other than being tired (and thus whiny) from having to wake up throughout the night.

So, the question remains: How could a mom let something like this happen to her little guy?

My mom and I were cooking dinner, and Calvin was watching. He loves pulling his little chair up to the counter to watch...kind of like he was doing in the picture while playing with play doh. And he fell off.
Last night I was considering not letting him stand on the chair like that again. Today I'm thinking I'll let him...but using the dining chair with the arm rests (and no cushion). Terrible idea? Maybe the little buddy won't even want to, though.


  1. Oh, poor Buddy! Kel, you asked what kind of mom would let this happen? Every mom. Every good one, anyway. You are an amazing mom who lets him have good experiences and does not bubble-wrap him. :) Let yourself off the hook! :)


  2. I'm with you, Kimmy. Love that little guy and his mommy.

  3. Holy cow! I've never seen anything quite like that! Poor little monkey. Glad it's looking so much better....and hopefully you all rested better last night!

  4. As others have said, bumpd and bruises are part of being able to explore and learn. Cal won't remember falling but he will remember the good times of helping mom. You are a great mom and he will grow up to be a great father some day because you are letting him explore his world, even the hard knocks parts.
    Linda L.

  5. I hear he's been saying, "Down, Bump, Cracker"... what a funny little guy. Aunt Abbey and Uncle Sam misses everyone in Durham.
